114: Are you still Icing? with Gary Reinl the “Anti-Iceman”

I am very excited to announce our guest today, Gary Reinl.  Gary is affectionately known as the “Anti-Iceman” based on his years of combing through the research of cryotherapy to ultimately figure out that this “tried and true” modality just may be an “illusionary” treatment after all!

Gary has spent nearly forty years in the sports-medicine field, with diverse experiences ranging from training professional athletes, developing rehabilitation programs for injured workers, to pioneering the field of strength-building for women during the pregnancy year..Additionally, his ground-breaking senior strength-building protocol has now been implemented in more than 1,000 senior living facilities.

Gary has authored three books, including Iced: The Illusionary Treatment Option, Making Mama Fit and the 2007 “fat loss” book Get Stronger, Feel Younger.

**To see the thread of questions for Gary from this episode, go visit our Facebook page and get in on the conversation: 18STRONG Facebook page.

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Gary Reinl’s Background

  • gary reinlGary has trained thousands of therapists, physicians, allied health professionals and athletes on the topics of strength-building and electronic muscle stimulation.
  • His work has been featured in hundreds of media outlets nationwide and he has co-authored two books and many related documents and articles.
  • The “Sports Medicine for 95-year-olds” program that Gary designed has been implemented into more than 1000 senior living facilities nationwide.

Highlights from this Episode

  • Active recovery and why it is more effective than just resting.
  • How Gary came to learn that icing is ineffective for recovery, after studying many elite athletes from the MLB, NFL, MLS, NBA and more.
  • Why the RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevate) protocol came into existence, and how it was completely misinterpreted by the medical profession.
  • What actually happens within your body when you injure yourself. Inflammation, repair, remodel. We then get into reasons why ice is ineffective at helping your body react to the injury in that it prevents inflammation from happening.
  • How compression is also counter-intuitive to healing, by stopping the flow of fluid to and from the affected area.
  • How ice can seem to be helping, because it is numbing the pain. However, this is just delaying the healing process and creating the impression that things are getting better.
  • What you should do after an injury instead of icing. The key is to move around so the ‘cleanup crew’ (details in the show) can move freely around the injured area.

Below is the video that started it all!  Here is Gary with Dr. Kelly Starrett on the MobilityWOD

CaddyShack or Happy Gilmore?

Happy Gilmore

Who would you like to spend a day on the course with?

Arnold Palmer

Why you do what you do?

Because icing can stop athletes from reaching their full potential and realizing their dreams. I want to stop that from happening.

Where to find Glen Reinl:

Website: http://garyreinl.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheAntiIceMan/

Other Links from the show:

Marc Pro: EMS device



To continue the conversation and ask any questions you may have, head over the 18STRONG Facebook page.