I don’t want to brag about how awesome my Wednesday morning was, but is there a better way to start your day than a 7a tee time – nine walking holes – and back home a little after 9a to start the rest of your day?
It was awesome.
So, most of the time in my emails I don’t really talk about the crazy roller coaster ride 18STRONG has sent us on – especially the early years.
But there’s a super important lesson we’ve learned. 
It’s about how much we need COMMUNITY…CONNECTION…and SOCIAL SUPPORT. 
Having someone in your corner cheering you on – lifting you up when you’re struggling. 
Or sharing those same exact struggles with you because they’re working toward the same thing. It really does make a difference. 
It helps me personally. And I know it has also helped our Crew.
Setting that support up for yourself means you’re setting yourself up for success in pretty much everything you do.
I’ve come across this stat a number of times along the way: Your net worth is the average of your 10 closest friends.
Some of your buddies have a ton of money. Some have no money. And some are in the middle with you.
And after a decade working with golfers, I can say with 100% certainty, that same thing holds true for your fitness.
You’ve got a buddy that looks like he stepped off the cover of Linksoul’s catalog. You’ve got a buddy that hasn’t met a meal he didn’t like. And everyone in the middle.
One thing we love to hang our hat on is that we’ve been able to create a tight community.
You’re never in it alone! 
I can’t tell you how awesome it is to run into a golfer in the airport, on the course, or just around town rockin’ 18STRONG gear. You immediately know, “Hey, that guy/gal is 18STRONG.” And you’ve got a lot in common.
If you’re ready to stop going at it along, we’re here to help you with a proven plan that’s designed to get you from A to Z in a way that works with your lifestyle, schedule, and goals!
And that, of course, supports you every step of the way.
Learn more about the 18STRONG Membership here:
I’m here for you if you have any questions! Just hit “reply” and I’ll get back to you ASAP.
Your #1 Fan,
Jeff Pelizzaro