Happy Thursday morning on National High Five Day. Yeah, that’s actually a thing.
Speaking of high-fives, we’re getting them left and right this week as we’ve been pimping the 18STRONG Diet Stack. We’re great salesmen when the product is free:)
So, the other day I ran into a buddy at the grocery store. Great dude – have known him since high school.
Like we all do, I checked out what he had in his cart. And the look of guilt smacked him in the face.
“This isn’t all for me. We’re having a few people over tonight.”
I’m not here to judge that his cart looked like the ingredients for somebody who was actively trying to acquire diabetes. That ain’t me.
“I keep meaning to get back at it, but I’ve been too busy and tired to even think about,” he told me.
I get it. I don’t know what everyone has going on in their lives.
At some point, we’ve ALL felt too tired, worn out. And taking care of ourselves seemed like way too much work.
Show me someone who has never missed a workout. And I’ll show you a liar.
BUT, here’s a truth I’ve figured out over the years. If you look deep down, you know it too.
Once you get started or re-started with a healthy diet, you feel GREAT and have a ton of energy. After a week, you’ll wonder why you waited so long.
I don’t care if it’s a new job, a new project, or your nutrition…there’s nothing more energizing than GETTING STARTED.
You realize it’s not the huge deal you built up in your head. You stand a little taller for taking action. And you’re excited about the endless possibilities.
And THAT positivity moves you forward until you start experiencing all of those amazing benefits.
So, if you’ve been waiting to get started again…then today’s email and LIVE Coaching Call may be a sign from the Universe to take the next step.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a few notes to take before today’s call.
You’ve got this,
Jeff Pelizzaro,
PS – Here’s the 18STRONG Diet Stack to get you started. It’s your guide to LONG-TERM SUCCESS.
And we’re always here to help.