The weight loss industry has skyrocketed to a $72B behemoth and
more people are overweight than ever.

Unfortunately, we live in a Profit Over Health Economy

You see it in big pharma, big food and, of course, the weight loss

What other industry can get away with a 95% failure rate?

If cars didn’t start 19 out of 20 times in the morning for work, you’d
ride a motorcycle. 

And yet we accept that these fad diets don’t work because they tell
us that we failed the diet, not that the diet failed us

The truth is that they are setting us up for failure from step

They know we are desperate to find a quick and easy fix to get
thinner that we’re willing to believe almost anything, so they keep giving us
what we want…

Miracle cures.

Miracle studies.

Weigh loss hacks.

Little-known loopholes.

What makes these fad diets so dangerous is that you will almost
certainly lose weight at the beginning.

They immediately prove that what they are saying works, so when
you fail, it’s your fault.

That takes a toll on your confidence, self-esteem, emotions and
your body.

The problem is that fad diets are designed for the short-term
because they know it’s easy to see weight loss after only a few days (usually
just water weight). 

I don’t care who you are or what you’re doing, willpower can only
take you so far.

To illustrate the point, let’s explore the two biggest fad diets
on the market right now: Low-Calorie and Low-Carb.


The concept of weight loss is simple—burn more calories than you’re putting into your body, so the low-cal diet makes perfect sense. But what if eating less is taken to the extreme?  Starvation, also known as severe food deprivation, obstructs weight loss. It seems contradictory, but starving your body of food makes losing fat difficult.

Less Is More

Your body detects when there has been a modification in calorie levels, and it reacts accordingly.  When you starve or restrict your body from eating foods, your body will start to preserve its fuel, which is stored fat.  As a result, less calories are burned, and you won’t lose fat.  

The Protective Mechanism of the Body:

The body’s metabolic response to food deprivation shows a defensive mechanism of survival.  When you do not consume foods, the body presumes that you may be experiencing famine and preserves its stored calories for later use.

This evolutionary defense of your ancestors creates an eating pattern called “all or nothing” which is proven ineffective for your weight loss goals. Yes, it is true that sustained food deprivation over an extended period will lead to weight loss, but a large percentage of that weight is muscle, not fat.

Starvation Drops Serotonin Levels:

Apart from damaged metabolism, food restriction can also cause your serotonin levels to drop dramatically. Serotonin regulates anxiety, happiness and mood. When the levels of your serotonin get low, you feel cranky and agitated, which makes it difficult to stay on the diet.


Short-term: You will definitely lose weight because you have created a caloric deficit.

Long-Term: It fails because your body and mind can only live with constantly being hungry for a short period of time. 


While very similar, there are differences between the Keto,
Paleo and Atkins diets, but they all suffer from the same long-term failure.


Originally created to treat epilepsy in the 1920s, the keto
diet requires that 90% of your calories come from fat, 6% from protein and 4%
from carbs.

There are a number of variations from 60% to 90% of calories
coming from fat, but the purpose is always to force your body to go into
ketosis, a metabolic state that uses fat for energy instead of glucose (carbs).

Keto leans to the stricter side of low-carb diets as you have
to maintain a rigid nutrition plan so your body to go into and stay in ketosis.


Cleverly named, the Paleo or Caveman diet requires you to go
back to the way our ancestors were eating 2.6 million years ago during the
Paleolithic Era.

Paleo focuses mostly on a high-protein diet with a lot of
vegetables, so it’s not inherently a low-carb diet, but becomes one simply by
the foods it cuts out, including grains, dairy, legumes and processed foods.

Unlike the keto diet, you are limited to the kinds of fats, oils
and trans fats you eat on a paleo diet, but you can go crazy with the nuts.


The Atkins Diet has become synonymous with low-carb diets
because, well, that’s exactly how they market it.  Unlike keto and paleo diets that focus on fat
and protein, respectively, the Atkins Diet is completely focused on carb

You begin by severely cutting your carbs to 20 to 25 grams
per day (about half a plain bagel), then gradually allow additional carbs up to
80-100 grams.

Yes, Bacon Is Great, But Your Health Suffers

When your body breaks down lean muscle mass – muscle – for energy,
your metabolism slows because your muscle tissue burns up a lot of calories.  This not only makes it harder to lose weight
(remember, we want to lose fat, not weight), but contributes to weight regain.

According to Harvard study, if you switch to a
high-saturated-fat diet, your bad cholesterol goes up, which puts you at a
higher risk of heart disease, and gulp, kidney stones.  You don’t want that solid shard of salt and
minerals leaving your body through your…moving on. 

You Miss Out

Not only will you deprive yourself of delicious food like
bread, fruit and the rest, but you’re also depriving yourself of foods and
nutrients that are essential for good health.

  • Whole grains: protect against metabolic syndrome, diabetes, heart disease, stroke and cancer
  • Fruits: help prevent heart disease, stroke and some cancers, and are extremely filling
  • Beans: rich in protein and contain plant chemicals that protect against heart disease and cancer
  • Fiber: keeps you feeling full and helps reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes


Short-term: You will definitely lose weight because you have eliminated so many foods from your diet that you can’t help but create a caloric deficit. 

Long-Term: They fail because your body is smart.  Your body will continuously be searching for what it needs in other foods, so you will eventually have to feed the beast.  Like most diets, low carb diets have  a history of putting on more fat than when you started.


You’ve got the information to help keep you safe from the unbelievably effective advertising these fad diet purveyors constantly put in front of us.

I can say with the utmost confidence, if you really want to lose weight and keep it off, you won’t mess with either of the two main diets on the market.

But the wonderful thing about finally making the decision to stop yo-yo dieting is that there’s no limit to what you can achieve.  Your next step is to learn how to lose fat, gain strength, so you can realize lifelong success.

If you want to uncover the path to fat loss while also improving your golf game, we can help.

It looks simple (and it is), but this is the path we can put you on…

When you exercise, you eat better…
When you
eat better, you feel better…
When you
feel better, you want to exercise…

And the cycle repeats.

The real secret is that there’s no secret (but there’s no money in that).

We’ll give you the step-by-step plan to fill in all of the blanks.