💪 Now, let’s get muddy!

It’s a chilly Saturday morning, the world is soaked around here and I’m writing to you early as I’m getting ready to head to the 8-mile trail run/race I’ve been telling you about all week.  

I may have to cover the interior of my car in plastic like a grandma’s couch because I’m sure it’s gonna be a muddy mess. 

I’ll be short this morning, but I woke up with a thought that I wanted to share with you. 

So, why in the world did I pay to do this? 

For a few reasons…There is something about the sense of accomplishment immediately following the feeling of being uncomfortable and miserable. It makes us feel alive. It makes us walk a little taller the rest of the day. And it reinforces that we are capable of more than we think. 

Also, working toward a goal helps keep us 68.53% more on track. It’s science. 

Okay, I made up that last statistic, but putting a physical challenge on your calendar in black, magic marker is something you won’t skip, especially after you’ve been telling everyone about it.  

None of us want to look like a schoolboy b**ch who quits – it’s one of the few times peer pressure is a very good thing.  

Shooting bottle rockets out of my upstairs bedroom in grade school with my cousin Eric? Now, that was bad peer pressure – True story.  

Today, when you’re going through your day all nice, dry and comfortable, I’m going to challenge you to challenge yourself. 

Pick a fitness goal or event that makes you uncomfortable and commit to doing it. No excuses.  

Wish me luck. 

Your #1 Fan, 

Jeff Pelizzaro 

PS – We would love to hear about your uncomfortable goal. If you don’t mind me sharing it on our weekly LIVE Q&A call, then please respond to this email and let us know about it. 

Don’t forget to sign up for your free 7-day trial for the 18STRONG App

You can get pretty creative with the training programs in there, and come up with your own, custom challenge. Again, we’d love to here about it. 

Here’s the link: https://www.go18strong.com/app-test-drive