Eat your way to mobility

“I thought I had arthritis.”

At the beginning of summer, our co-founder Ryan, who is 47, was having aching pain in all of the knuckles on each of his hands.

It hurt to grip a club, pick up dumbbells, shake hands…really, anything that requires a strong grip.

It’s not out of the realm of possibility that a healthy 47-yr-old could start suffering from arthritis – it’s more common in women, but usually starts between 40 and 60, so that was a real possibility.

He also taps away on his keyboard a lot during the day, so the dreaded carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) was also on the table.

Now, we all have a little bit of denial when it comes to getting older, so he started doing research to prove that it wasn’t arthritis or CTS.

And, by god, he was right.

He was in a muscle building phase with his workouts, so he was upping his protein intake. And nuts are a good source of protein.

BUT, too many nuts can cause inflammation of the joints.

He stopped eating nuts, cold turkey. Within a week, his joint pain was 100% gone.

Now, I’m not telling you to stop eating nuts, they have a ton of health benefits (including anti-inflammatory, if you eat them in moderation).

The point is that nutrition plays an often overlooked, vital role in your joint health. And joint health is crucial to maintaining a powerful, fluid swing, and reducing injury.

Here are a few things to help:

  1. Omega-3 fatty acids – foods like fatty fish, walnuts and flaxseeds. Or, fish oil supplements.
  2. Vitamin C and antioxidants – fruits and veggies like berries, oranges, and bell peppers.
  3. Balanced meals – lean proteins, veggies, and whole foods.

Nutrition is our secret weapon for long-term health. And keeping us healthy, so we can stay on the course.

As we get a little longer in the tooth, nutrition becomes increasingly important, so we need to invest the knowledge and right foods.

Your joints and your scorecard will thank you.

Your #1 Fan,
Jeff Pelizzaro

PS – When it comes to mobility, there’s no substitute for one thing…


So, don’t forget your Daily Motion – the 5-7 minute mobility routine that helps grease your joints. It’s already on your calendar in the 18STRONG Membership App.