I’ve got a confession to make about my shortcomings as a father.
Yesterday, I found out that my oldest son has not seen Field of Dreams.
Yeah. It’s a hard pill to swallow, but luckily we’ve got the Christmas break to fix the obvious oversight.
So, do you remember the very last scene in the movie where the camera rises up in the Iowa night sky and shows an endless number of headlights of people coming to the field?
In 12 days, that is what the route will look like going towards your local gym.
Millions and millions of people are ready to make big changes in the new year, and they’ll soon be bearing down on gyms everywhere.
Most of whom – and you may be one of them – have decided that January 1st will be the day to get back to the gym, or restart your workout routine.
And it’s awesome!
Studies have shown that having a “fresh start” or picking calendar landmarks like January 1st, the beginning of the month, a Monday, etc., can be beneficial for starting new habits.
Here’s the caveat:
- Deciding to get into shape isn’t just ONE decision.
- We have ancillary decisions we need to make:
- Which gym are you going to join?
- Will you wear your gym clothes or bring them with you?
- What’s the parking situation?
- What time works best for you?
- How much will you spend on a membership?
- Will you do classes or train alone?
- Which equipment, if any, will you use?
- Do you know how to use the equipment?
- Will you shower at the gym or home?
- How many times will you work out each week?
- What if the gym is busy?
Doing ALL that in just 12 days is daunting.
The gym may be too busy for you to get in your workout in your allotted time.
Parking may be a nightmare.
The class you want may be full.
And here’s the problem…your brain will look for any excuse to tell you why you can’t do something.
Right now, your brain is telling you, “Wait until January 1st…it’s the perfect reset.”
That’s fine.
However, if you’re willing to take a few steps NOW, the Future You will have a much better chance at succeeding.
So here’s the challenge…
If you’re going to join a gym, sign up today.
If you’re going to join the 18STRONG Membership, sign up today.
Try to think of these next two weeks as a beta test with zero expectations.
Join today, but don’t even work out.
Go to the gym, and just get a lay of the land (or walk on the machine for 5 or 10 mins).
If you’re working out at home, just get your area set up.
You’re only doing a dry run of what it will be like to work out in the morning, or at night.
You don’t have to beat yourself up for not being perfectly consistent.
Instead, you’re just focused on building the HARDEST part of your new habit – driving to the gym, and opening the front door, or walking into your home gym.
The result?
You hit January 1st with momentum.
And we can use momentum to jumpstart any habit.
You’ve got this!
PS – It may sound silly to walk into a gym and not workout.
But, the act of getting to the gym is, by far, the most difficult part of getting into shape.
It’s like static friction:
The hardest part of pushing a car is just getting it moving. Once you’re moving, it’s game over.
If you need our help, we’re always available in the 18STRONG Membership.