It’s Wednesday afternoon and time to get your fitness moving forward.
And many times, it requires a shift, a pivot, or a nudge in a different direction.
If you’re still struggling by doing the same thing over and over, then it’s definitely time.
Here’s a great anecdote I heard that sums “why” perfectly:
A guy and his new wife were in Vegas on their honeymoon.
The guy sits at the blackjack table for hours and hours. At the end of the night, he is down $20,000.
The next day, he loses another $10,000.
For four straight days, this goes on.
After his Day 4 loss, he starts walking back to the room where he runs across his new bride sitting at the bar enjoying an umbrella drink.
When she hears about his massive losses, she suggests that maybe she should take a crack at the slot machines.
To which he responds, “But you don’t know how to gamble.”
The point is this:
If something is clearly not working, it’s time to pivot.
It’s never too late for a redo. It’s never too late for a fresh start.
Take your foot off the brakes and change up some s***.
You can do this.
Your #1 Fan,
Jeff Pelizzaro
PS – The 18STRONG Membership App free trial is still happening – and you’ll find the exact training programs we use to break golfers out of their funk.
Look, we all understand the benefits of getting into better shape for our health. BUT, when we combine that with taking our golf to the next level…
…now that’s a life-changing pivot.
Here’s the link: