It’s been a loooong time, but…
Hyper-Elastic Distance is officially re-opened!
We never want to overwhelm you with too many things at once.
But, our Crew has been asking for more distance.
And Hyper-Elastic Distance is how we do it.
Here’s how it works:
In the next 14 days, we’re going to supercharge your body’s natural elasticity so you can stripe drives 20, even 30 yards farther (42 yards is the highest improvement I’ve seen, but that’s not normal).
And we’re going to show you exactly how we do it.
Plus, it’ll only take you 20 minutes per day to do the workouts.
Plus, it’s the simplest, easiest-to-follow format we’ve ever used.
Plus, you can use the training as an add-on to your current strength program.
Or, use it on its own.
And here’s the best part of your day…
For the next few days or so, we’re going to throw some gasoline on the fire…
…you’ll also get Hyper-Elastic Mobility for free.
Now we can target the 3 key golf areas of the body specifically to ingrain better positions and movement in the three vital body positions:
1) Backswing
2) Post-Impact
3) Full Finish
So, head over to Hyper-Elastic Distanceand join the fun.
Alright, gotta run.
We can’t wait to help you recapture the distance of your youth so we can all out-drive the chumps (ahem, friends) in our group
PS – More distance makes golf easier.
And I promise, you WILL gain distance with Hyper-Elastic Distance.
You know what else makes golf easier?
Better mobility.
But, the bonus won’t last forever, so click here and get INSTANT ACCESS to both programs.