There Are No Free Lunges

If you’ve ever done any sort of strength training program that involves your lower body, you have undoubtedly cursed the creator of the program for adding lunges.

They’re hard to do.  They exhaust you.  They make your legs feel like jelly.

They’re also one of the best lower body exercises golfers can do for stability, balance, mobility and even grip strength.

Access the “Ultimate Golf Workout Safety Guide” now to ensure you’re not hurting your swing

Learn the 5 Fatal Mistakes and protect your swing

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But are you hurting yourself with poor form?

You’re going to learn the three most common mistakes golfers make that result in ineffective lunges and possibly injury:

  1. Not keeping an upright trunk
  2. Inward direction/pinching of your knee and foot
  3. Front heel raising

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Access the “Ultimate Golf Workout Safety Guide” now to ensure you’re not hurting your swing

Learn the 5 Fatal Mistakes and protect your swing

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