Perfect ain’t happenin’. Success lies in Good.

Well, we’ve passed the tipping point with New Year’s Resolutions. 

Over 50% of folks have already stopped doing whatever they said. 

And the #1 reason for resolutions untimely demise… 


We all think that we have to be perfect with our workouts, diets, etc. 

And if you’re one of the 50% who have quit because you couldn’t be perfect with your plan… 


The sooner you get the “perfection” monkey off your back the better. 

“But Jeff, doesn’t that mean I failed?” 

Absolutely not. 

In fact, the opposite is true. 

When our goal is perfection, there’s only one place to go… 


So, when we inevitably miss a workout (which will 1,000% happen), you didn’t fail. 

Instead, you learned: 

  • Life gets in the way. 
  • You may have tried too much too fast. 
  • Which tactic or strategy doesn’t work for you. 

The world keeps spinning. 

“Now that you don’t have to be perfect, you can be good.” -John Steinbeck 

Once you take the pressure of perfection out of the equation, you’re free to just be good. 

And you will immediately feel a weight lifted from your shoulders. 

If you miss a day… 

No shame. 

No guilt. 

No beating yourself up. 

Start again the next day. 

#nevermisstwice is an important skill to develop. 

Instead of trying to be perfect, we’re trying to accumulate wins. 

  • Only one NFL team in history has ever had a perfect season. 
  • Zero MLB teams have been perfect. 
  • Zero NHL teams have been perfect. 
  • Zero golfers have won every tournament in a season – even Scottie “only” won nine tournaments last year.  

If you missed your workout yesterday, no big deal. 

Start again today. 

Case in point, my day got away from me last Friday, and I missed sending you an email. 

Today, I’m back on track. 



PS – If you’re really struggling to find a tactic or strategy that works for you, we’ve spent the last 10+ years honing our training programs specifically for golfers to not only get fit, but to play their best on the course. 

And everything you need is in one place: 18STRONG Membership

See you on the inside.