“If you’re not making mistakes, then you’re not doing anything. I’m positive that a doer makes mistakes.” Thank you, Coach Wooden. Below, you’re about to uncover one of the biggest mistakes (not just stretching) I made with clients early in my career… …and the game-changing drill we uncovered to fix it. Okay, so here’s the deal: most stretches will only give you temporary gains. Think about how many times you’ve stretched in your life. Whether it was when you were a kid playing sports, a high school or college athlete, or the last time you got out. But, that loose, limber and flexible feeling is fleeting. The next time you stretch, it feels like you’re right back where you started. In fact, doing too much stretching is one of the biggest mistakes I made with clients early in my career. It was a supreme waste of time. Until… One simple drill you need to do after your stretch to keep that new range of motion. In other words, this is how you’re going to continue to feel loose, limber and free long after your stretch. Here you go: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flK-6hf2Pns&t=36s |
In the video, I demo the drill for your hammies, ankles, and shoulders, but you can use it maximize your mobility in whichever area of your golf body you choose. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reply to this email. STAY STRONG, Jeff So, where is your mobility struggling? The answer could be, “everywhere”. No big deal. You’re not alone. And we can help you fix it. If your answer is “everywhere”, then I would check out the Daily Motion mobility routine in the 18STRONG Membership. It only takes 5-8 minutes per day (I do it in the morning while my coffee is brewing). And we show you the exact moves to boost your range of motion in your neck, trunk, shoulders, hip, ankles…all the important “golf areas”. |