Why I don’t care about 6-pack abs

Wednesday evening, my wife Sue and I were walking the dog, and ran into a neighbor who just bought a beautiful new, black Mercedes SUV. 

Now, it’s a really good looking vehicle. 

But, it’s not a car I would buy. 

Even with that in mind, my tiny brain said, “Man, Mike is doing really well…that lucky ba$tard.” 

Then, I stopped myself, and asked one question: 

Why do I care? 

Again, it’s not the car I want anyway. 

And the trap I fell into is this: 

Comparison is the thief of happiness. 

For most of us, it’s hard to not compare ourselves with what other people have – we’re humans. 

Think about the guy on the cover of Men’s Health with  6-pack abs. 

We’d all like to look like that, but… 


Is it really worth all the work and strict diet to have abs?  

Not for me.  

It’s important for us to figure out our “WHY.” 

And I’ve seen it happen to countless golfers when they finally got into shape.  

And continue to stay in shape.  

Year after year after year.  

When things get tough, they know their WHY.  

And keep pushing forward. 

So, my question to you is, “What is driving you?” 

Why do you want to get into shape? 

Don’t BS yourself.  

Don’t do it because you think it’s the right thing to do.  

Don’t be afraid to be honest. 

Wanting to look good, be in shape, and play your best golf doesn’t require a giant, spiritual contract between you and God. 

We’re just people.  

We’re pretty simple.  

We’re not that deep. 

If you like the ego boost from turning the pool honeys’ heads. Then use it.  

If you like taking $$$ from your buddies on the course. Then use it. 

If you like pulling whatever you want from the closet w/o worrying how it’s going to fit. Then use it. 

Keep it simple.  

But make it something that will continue to drive you.  

For me?  

I don’t want to be the fat dad.  

I want to be the in-shape dad that my kids and wife think is awesome. 

That’s what keeps me going. 

And I promise once you figure it out, it will change the game for you. 

Now, have a great weekend of low scores! 



PS – Once you figure out your WHY, the rest is much easier.  

Then, all you need is the process to make it happen.  

And the 18STRONG Membership is just one click away to hand you the process on a silver platter.