SHOULDER INSURANCE: 3 Exercises For Golf Shoulder Strength

The majority of golfers have already, or at some point will experience the heartache of a shoulder injury.

Whether it be as severe as a tear or just simple inflammation, it WILL ruin your day.

We all know what it’s like to be sidelined – especially for extended time.

But what if you never had the injury in the first place?

What if you could “insure” your shoulder against injury and fatigue?

The video below will show you how to do exactly that.

Click Below To Play Video:
We know you don’t want to spend all your time worried about “what might happen”, but just doing a few simple things will increase your time on the course.

Here are the exercises you’re going to see in the video:

  1. Standing external rotation
  2. Prone external rotation
  3. Incline lateral raise with external rotation

Do you see a common thread with those three exercises?

The golf season is about to kick in for everybody, not just the lucky ones who live closer to the equator, and one of our main goals is to keep our 18STRONG golfers on the course.

The video above will help you do just that.