Happy Monday! Also known as the perfect day to start a new habit.
Now, if you follow us on social media, you know that we post a lot of inspirational stuff that you can read or watch in less than one second.
But in our daily email interaction, I like to get deep into the weeds. And give you actionable things you can do to move your needle.
Today, I came across the perfect mix of both, so here goes…
“Preparing to do the thing isn’t doing the thing.
Scheduling time to do the thing isn’t doing the thing.
Making a to-do list for the thing isn’t doing the thing.
Telling people you’re going to do the thing isn’t doing the thing.
Messaging friends who may or may not be doing the thing isn’t doing the thing.
Writing about how you’re going to do the thing isn’t doing the thing.
Hating on yourself for not doing the thing isn’t doing the thing.
Hating on other people who have done the thing isn’t doing the thing.
Hating on the obstacles in the way of doing the thing isn’t doing the thing.
Fantasizing about all the adoration you’ll receive once you do the thing isn’t doing the thing.
Reading about how to do the thing isn’t doing the thing.
Reading about how other people did the thing isn’t doing the thing.
Reading this isn’t doing the thing.
The only thing that is doing the thing is doing the thing.”
— Strangest Loop
So today, whatever it is…
Your #1 Fan,
Jeff Pelizzaro
PS – If you’re not sure what “the thing” is you’re supposed to be doing…then I would immediately join the 18STRONG Membership. And we’ll show you the thing.