Aside from the fact that Clint Howard works with the best golfers in Oklahoma from the junior ranks to the OSU golf team and PGA tour players, Clint is also know as the “Fat Loss” guy in Tulsa.
One look at Clint tells you that he absolutely practices what he preaches in regards to health, fitness, and staying lean. Clint’s high intensity training for fat loss has proven to be extremely effective for his clients, and he shares with us some of his tips for crushing your fat loss goals as well as how he adjusts his programs to suite the needs of his golfers.
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Clint’s Background
- Clint is the Owner and Founder of Tulsa Fitness Systems (TFS) with his wife Kara
- Known as the “Go To Trainer” when it comes to fat loss
- Also has Tulsa Golf Fitness Systems
- Grew up playing baseball, pitched in college
- Graduated with an exercise science degree and a Masters in Exercise Physiology From Oklahoma University
- Has always loved to work and has owned several businesses
- Trains all populations including several golfers and golf teams
- Has been certified through TPI since 2005
- Clint tells the story of his very 1st golf fitness client which did not end the way he would have liked it to!
- We discuss the use of High Intensity Interval training and Metabolic Resistance training in order to stimulate fat loss.
- The focus of these workouts is to create a high caloric burn both during and after the workouts.
- Intensity in interval training is much better for fat loss than steady state cardio workouts
- Nutrition is the key to fat loss.
- Teach the basics, rather than get too complex with diet tips
- Eat more protein
- Eat less processed food
- Eat more veggies
- Eat a good breakfast
- Get rid of high calorie drinks
- 80/20% or 90/10% rule
- Clint gives tips for the business professional that is on the road a lot with a hectic schedule, business meetings and social functions
- Be a little more diligent when you are in town, hit the gym a few extra times
- Even short workouts on the road can help keep you in shape
- stay hydrated
- don’t binge, keep focus on moderation
- “You can’t out train a bad Diet”
What do you do different with your golfers from fat loss clients?
- Screen the golfers (TPI assessment) and power tests
- Discuss their golf game and their golf goals (more power, fat loss, etc?)
- Contact their swing coach
- Emphasize the mobility and flexibility to eliminate restrictions
Why is Fat loss important for golfers?
- Reduction of low back stress and pain
- Improves mechanics
- Increased stamina
- Explosive power utilizing fast twitch muscles
What do you struggle with in your diet/fitness?
- Clint Stays pretty clean with his diet most of the time, eats very little sweets and doesn’t drink much
- Has trouble finding time to workout and get motivated for workouts some days due to his busy schedule
- Hard to stay focused on his own workouts when he is concentrating on his clients programs, so sometimes
Last piece of advice
- You’ve only got one body, so you have to take care of it
- It’s NEVER too late to start (has clients from age 6 into the 70’s)
- Find a place where you are comfortable and you can get a proper screen
- If you can’t get a trainer, find a buddy and accountability partner
- Re-evaluate your goals and why you are doing it in the 1st place.
Find Clint
Facebook: Tulsa Fitness Systems
Twitter: @TulsaFitness
Email: [email protected]