Happy New Year, everyone!
Today we have a different kind of guest on the show – me.
Jason Glass (from episode 2), comes onto the 18STRONG podcast to steal the show and ask me a few questions about what we’re doing with the community here. We get into a range of topics, including why we started the show, who it’s aimed at, what’s in store for 2017 and much more!
Without giving too much away, this was a lot of fun and I think you guys are going to enjoy it.
Highlights from this Episode
- We talk about the 18STRONG Podcast and how we go about deciding what to keep in the show, producing show artwork, and other technical details of the show.
- My beard.
- How we came to decide on the theme and vision for the podcast. We also get into the t-shirts we’ve been making, and how we got Jordan Spieth to wear his around!
- What I do Monday – Friday, when I’m not working on 18STRONG. We talk about the fitness work I do with clients and the approach I take with them to help them play better golf.
- The expectations we had with the podcast before getting into it. When I work with clients day in, day out, we get a lot of great insight into what actual challenges people are having when it comes to golf fitness. From there we can create tailored content, and choose the best guests for the audience.
- Some of my favorite guests we’ve had on the show, and the community that has grown out of the show.
- The importance of getting things done, over getting things perfect.
What is the mission for 18STRONG moving forward?
To be the voice of golf fitness, and to grow the 18STRONG community as much as we can. Details to come in 2017! We’re also looking at running an 18STRONG road trip, showing people the gyms and clinics of the big names in golf fitness.
To continue the conversation and ask any questions you may have, head over the 18STRONG Facebook page.
Jason Glass Resources:
The Coach Glass Podcast: iTunes
18STRONG episode 002: How to train and Play Stronger| Dream Big and Over-Deliver
Jason Glass social media:
Twitter: @JasonGlassLab
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/coachglasspodcast/
Instagram: @jasonglasslab
18STRONG Resources
Get a copy of Jeff’s Best-Selling Book: “The Golfer’s Guide to a Bogey Proof Workout”
Get your very own 18STRONG t-shirt
Check out the 18STRONG Complete At Home Warm-Up Video and Cheat Sheet
Check out the 18STRONG Flexibility Guide
Check out the 18STRONG e-Book and Video Series: 5 Yards in Less Than 5 Minutes
Connect with 18STRONG
18STRONG’s Facebook Page
18STRONG’s Twitter Profile
18STRONG’s Instagram Profile