This morning, I got this text from my cousin Ryan:
This is gonna sound crazy, but do you have any interest in the April marathon those fellas were showing us?
Obviously, not a big fan of running, but I just love the route. It won’t be fun, but will be fulfilling.
For the first time in a very long time, I’m considering it.
And it feels…strange.
Maybe you’re like me.
And constantly battling yourself.
There’s the side that doesn’t really care. The side that is happy staying in the same place. The side who’d rather stick to what I’m doing.
I know exactly what I need to stay comfortable.
Then…there’s the other side.
There’s the ego side. The hero. The big shot. The guy who can do anything.
We want people falling all over themselves wondering, “How does this guy do it?”
And while I consider running 26.2 miles (it hurts just typing it:)…
I’m here to say…there’s no right or wrong.
I’ve done both and found joy on each path.
So, why do we have this endless pull from one side to the other?
It’s kinda like these mega-businesses on Wall St.
Why can’t they be satisfied with being a healthy profitable business?
Why do they have to set a new record quarter after quarter (by any means necessary)?
Maybe we just can’t sit still.
Maybe something triggers our “ego and compete” side.
Maybe we’re all a bit Jekyll and Hyde.
Or maybe, it’s just what happens as life goes by and priorities change.
You’re not the same at 40, 50, or 70 as you were at 20 or 30.
You’re not the same with kids as you were without children.
You’re not the same with your parents alive as when they’re gone.
Life happens, so please don’t beat yourself up.
Heck, even at a spry 45 and spending the bulk of my day in the gym, I still feel the pull between competing to get better, and just coasting.
On one hand, I love lifting and swinging in the gym doing my best to get better. On the other hand, wouldn’t it be so much easier to pack it in?
Eat what I want.
Drink what I want.
And exercise here and there.
Why? Why can’t we calm our inner “the grass is greener” maniac?
I don’t know if we’ll ever have the answers.
But, here’s what I know…
It’s nice to have a group to share the journey with. The people who “get it”.
People who understand there will be ups and downs.
People who still feel that pull between upping the ante and coasting.
People who can talk tactics, strategy AND the other stuff – the human stuff.
So, here’s what going to happen…
We’ll do a “formal” announcement tomorrow, but all of us crazies are going to get together to start off the New Year with a bang.
We’re going to try something new.
We are launching a 30-day coaching group to smash through January and set you up for long-term success..
January 17th is national quit day – the day when 51% of people have already stopped their new fitness and/or nutrition resolutions.
It happens every year like clockwork.
But, not this year.
We’re going to do weekly calls.
We’re going to have an active Facebook group to help each other.
We’re going to create looooong-lasting habits.
So, be on the lookout tomorrow.
PS – I’ll let you know tomorrow if I decide to run the marathon. If “yes”, then I may need our group more than anyone:)