Thinking about mobility isn’t helping.

We made it to another Friday, after what I can only assume was a productive, successful week for you.  So, all week, we’ve been talking about mobility - both in the gym and via these daily-ish emails I love writing.   Hopefully,, you’ve gotten a lot of good information.   Hopefully, and...

Stiff, distance-destroying hips.

Last week, I asked our MGF (Mandatory Golf Friday) guys this question via our Telegram group:  What is the #1 golf fitness problem you’re trying to fix?  And the results were, as usual, not surprising.  Whenever we ask our Crew, one of the most common responses is some version of...

Which of these 3 stretching mistakes are you making?

I’ve got an exciting update I couldn’t wait to share with you. In fact, it could deliver several benefits, including this thing or that.I am not, don’t pretend to be, nor have I ever been a swing coach. If you need a recommendation, I’m happy to point you to some...

What we ate as kids ain’t the same.

This morning, I had a few minutes to be mindless, so I cruised Instagram with a stupid look on my face. Yeah, nobody looks that bright aimlessly scrolling on their phone:) And I got yet another piece of the puzzle as to why the world continuously keeps packing on the pounds. I think...

Does your fitness serve the larger goal?

Yesterday, my son asked me about, of all things, investing.  Apparently, everyone on TikTok is the Warren Buffet of cryptocurrency.  And nobody has ever lost a penny.  As a soul-crushing father, I had to set him straight…  “Yeah, that’s not exactly how that works. In general, we’re all satisfied doubling...

The first cut is the deepest.

So, a little behind the scenes for you…  I always write my emails to you in a Word doc, then copy & paste into my email.  There are occasionally missing words, spelling errors, etc.  But, I feel like I owe it to our Crew to be as correct as possible. ...

Where to find bad advice.

We have a neighbor who, as far as I can tell, spends the lion’s share of her day on X (formerly Twitter) getting worked up about politics.  When she finds something particularly troubling, she sends it to my wife.  At which point, my wife talks her off the ledge, “Everything...

Hopefully, you’ve failed your New Year’s resolutions.

If you’ve already missed one of our New Year’s resolutions, welcome to the club.  Late January is when the gyms get back to normal as most people have already bailed on their goals for the year.  Luckily, this is an unbelievable learning opportunity.  The pressure is off.  From this point...

Cardio? Keto? Weights?

Roadhouse. Point Break. Shawshank Redemption. Indiana Jones – the Last Crusade.  What do all of those movies have in common?  Whenever I’m flipping around, they all stop me in my tracks.   If I have the time, I will watch them until the end (that I already know:).  When I see that...

 It’s not where you start that matters.

Over the weekend, I borrowed a pull-up bar from my Dad.  My son, who is a lowly, high school chump, has a goal to do 10 pull-ups (overhand with your thumb under the bar) in the next 30 days.   If I had to guess, I would estimate less than 10%...