What if? What if? What if?

Oh boy, I know it’s only Monday morning, but we’re going to get the blood pumping to our brains.

Let’s get to it!

Think about something you want to accomplish, but you’ve been dragging your feet because…

What if it doesn’t work out?

What if it all comes crashing down?

What if you fail?

What happens then?

Every single day, these thoughts bounce around our heads.

And distract us from the work we need to do.

What if?

What if?

What if?

We don’t know.

We can’t know.

We’ll never know.

Are those questions even worth asking?

One of the great quotes in Wayne’s World (yes, there is actually life wisdom in the movie)…

“If a frog had wings, he wouldn’t bump his a$$ when he hops.”

Silly movie, but illustrates a great point…why does it matter?

If I had John Daly’s mobility, I’d carry my drive 300 – but that doesn’t matter.

If we spend our entire lives worrying about what might be, we’ll never reach our goals.

Heck, we’ll never even try.

Same is true in golf and fitness:

We all love to stand around and poke holes and ask, “What if it doesn’t work out?”


What if it does?


PS – Tomorrow, I’ve got a little treat for our golfers who want more distance and mobility.
Who am I kidding?

We ALL want more distance and mobility.