Where to find bad advice.

We have a neighbor who, as far as I can tell, spends the lion’s share of her day on X (formerly Twitter) getting worked up about politics. 

When she finds something particularly troubling, she sends it to my wife. 

At which point, my wife talks her off the ledge, “Everything is going to be fine. You’ve got to stop driving yourself crazy.” 

Occasionally, I’ll play along and take a look at the stories. 

To which my response is usually, “That can’t be true.” 

Then, I ask the magic question, “What is the source?” 

And most of the time it’s some person or entity with ZERO credibility.  

The same holds true for the advice we take, not just when it comes to our fitness… 

Before taking advice from someone – make sure they already have what you want. 

This sounds simple enough – but most people ignore this principle. 

…Which means they’re acting on low-quality information. 


Want to get fit? Make sure the person has the body you want. 

Want to play better golf? Make sure the person knows how to play the game. 

Looking for relationship advice? Make sure the person already has the type of relationship you want. 

Looking for specific business advice? Make sure the person has accomplished what they claim – in that specific area. 



PS – If fitness advice is what you’re after, then we’ve got you covered in the 18STRONG Membership

We’ve had golfers of all shapes and sizes find a ton of success by taking direction from those who have gone before them. 

There’s certainly no substitute for experience. 

You can check it out here: 18STRONG Membership