“But Jeff, I thought stretching is how we increase our mobility? After all, we’ve been doing stretches since we were kids.”
Okay. And how is that working out for you?
Do you feel loose, fluid and free every time you swing? Or, does your body creak like a haunted house door in your backswing?
Alright, I’m going to finally be honest with you – after all, it is Sunday:)
I’ve made mistakes with clients in the gym.
I know. I know.
You thought I was perfect.
And one of the biggest mistakes early in my career was putting my clients through elaborate stretching routines.
I would work them over.
Pushing and pulling on their backs, shins, shoulders, knees, and whatever else seemed golf-ish.
Afterwards, they would feel great.
BUT, the next time they came to the gym, nothing had stuck.
They went right back to feeling stiff again.
So, we had to start back at zero.
And the cycle continued.
What I didn’t understand then is that stretching isn’t designed to improve our “active” range of motion.
Range of Motion being how we can actively move our joints.
For example, how far can you reach your right hand over your right shoulder to scratch your back?
A professional backscratcher with tremendous ROM can reach to the middle of his spine without any help.
Whereas, amateur backscratchers need someone to push or pull their arm to that position.
When it comes to mobility training, the pros on the Professional BackScratcher Tour have it easy.
They just have to work on their right shoulder’s range of motion to get into their championship scratching position.
That’s it.
One joint.
One position.
Now, think about all the joints we use during a golf swing…
And all of the different positions we need to get into.
So, how do we know where to spend our time?
Through the results of a study of over 90 million swings, we’ve uncovered the three most important:
1. Backswing
2. Post-impact
3. Full finish
Which is why we created the 14-Day Hyper-Elastic Mobility training.
To laser target those specific areas with each movement to improve mobility.
And to train our bodies to remember those positions so we never even think about it.
Our bodies just know.
Just like muscle memory.
Sooo, my body knows that it’s been a long weekend, so I’m gonna go flop for a bit.
I shot a quick video if you want to learn more here.
Jeff Pelizzaro
PS – Earlier today, we were goofing on our buddy for being a cheeseball salesman, so I told him I could out-cheese him…
For less than box of Pro V1s you get the best, tactical ‘n’ practical, fresh, up-to-the-minute, data-driven, training techniques on golf mobility, all based on an unbeatable 17+ year track record of actually DOING IT.
Nailed it!
Jump in today because Mondays are the best day to start.