It’s a glorious Thursday, which can only mean one thing…
LIVE Crew & A Coaching Call Day!!!
And today’s call is inspired by grade school homework?
So last night, I was helping my son with his math homework – calculating interest percentages, principle, time, etc. And as it started to click, he kept getting ahead of himself, so I had to reel him in…
Take a step back. Understand the next step. Then, move forward.
Like most things, it got me thinking about The Crew. And how so often we need to do just that:
Take A Step Back.
Whether it’s building strength, fat loss, injury-recovery, or your game. When we take one step back and chill out, we’ll take two even faster steps forward.
On the call today, we’re going to talk about when you need to take one step back, so you can take two steps forward.
Remember, these are AMA (Ask Me Anything) calls to help The Crew.
Here is the link to register for the Zoom call:
Here are the details:
Today, Thursday, March 2nd @ 2pm CST via Zoom.
You’ll be able to ask any questions LIVE on the call, but please submit your questions here first.
We will record the call and post it, but the LIVE call is ONLY for our Members.
See you there,