One problem. One solution.

Having “The Pit” in the gym to hit balls has given me the opportunity to regularly watch one of the best golf instructors I’ve ever seen, Casey Cox, work with my clients.

He doesn’t rely on his gut instinct.

Instead, he relies on the data.

There’s no arguing with that.

Okay, let’s be honest…golfers will absolutely argue, but they have no leg to stand on:)

Other than his analytical approach, what I really like is that he has his students only work on one, maybe two, things at a time.

So, instead of thinking about the 15 things you should be doing in your swing as you address the ball, your mind is free to use your athleticism.

And, you can do the same thing with your fitness training.

We call them…

Micro Trainings.

All your energy is focused on ONE specific program over the course of 7, 14 or 21-ish days.

The focus could be distance, hip mobility, back mobility, injury-prevention…or, whatever your fitness needs are.

ONE problem.

ONE solution.

7-21 days.

Now, in a perfect world, you will add micro-trainings to your overall strength training program.

But, I also understand that you may be in a position where micro-trainings are all you can currently handle.

And that’s great.

What’s not great, is joining a program…

Doing it for a few days…

Then, moving on to the next shiny object.

So, if distance is your current goal, then I would focus on Hyper-Elastic Distance for the next 14-day window and watch the magic unfold.

From there, you can add mobility (oh yeah, that’s the FREE bonus).

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got an empty pit that requires balls to be hit.


PS – Like I mentioned above, we’re giving away the Hyper-Elastic Mobility as a free gift to celebrate the success our golfers have had with Hyper-Elastic Distance.

You can check it out here.