Happy Wednesday, my fellow golf nut.
Well, it’s finally happening…I’ve been chasing down Scott Stallings for a while now. And tomorrow, he’s coming on the podcast.
He has had a wild ride the past few years, and I knew the Crew needed to hear what he had to say.
Did you know starting around 2015 he lost 75 lbs while playing on Tour!? How did he do it?
And he also has an eerily similar version of what guys tell me all of the time when they walk into the gym…
“I just started feeling worse and worse, and you get done (with your round), it’s like man, I’m 30 years old, I should NOT feel like this.”
No, you shouldn’t. And I love his honesty.
So, for this podcast, let’s hear from the Crew.
***Please reply to this email with one question you want answered by Scott.***
I’ll compile the responses. And pepper him with Crew questions (that just rolls off the tongue).
Can’t wait to hear what you want to know.
Your #1 Fan,
Jeff Pelizzaro