What makes you world-class?


Happy Mandatory Golf Friday! We had 16 golfers this morning sweeping the dew, and it was awesome as usual.

So hey…I hope the subject line caught you a little off guard.

I know that a teeny-tiny percentage of our Crew are world-class golfers (I’m certainly nowhere close).
Bear with me…

When I ask this question – it’s usually met with silence or confusion.

The point is to stretch your thinking.

Even if you don’t think you’re “world-class” at anything.

When you give yourself space to answer this question – your mind will build a powerful narrative.

That narrative is based on the unique combination of your:

– Skills

– Past experience
If you take a few minutes to really think about it (hopefully, write down your answers) – you’ll start to see what makes you unique.

Which will help you sharpen your game. And boost your confidence.

For example, my cousin and our co-founder Ryan is fantastic with an 8-iron. Yet, I too often see him pull out his 56 and consistently leave the ball short.

Me: “Dude, you’re world-class with the 8-iron, why are you hellbent on always hitting your 56 from inside 100?”

Ryan: “I have no idea. I guess that’s just what I watch the pros do.”

Me: “Think about what your strengths are. And do more of that.”

Ryan: “Jeff, you’re clearly the smartest golf mind in the world. And I’m lucky to have grown up in your presence.”

Yeah, I made up the last part. BUT, he has shaved countless strokes almost immediately just by sticking to what he is “world-class” at doing.

And it doesn’t matter if we’re talking golf, fitness, your career…there is some unique combination you have acquired over the years that makes you world-class at something.

Today, go find it. Use it. And tell me about it.

After you tell me about it, enjoy the rest of the long Memorial Day weekend – it’s unofficially summer!

Your #1 Fan,
Jeff Pelizzaro

PS – If you need help finding your unique combination, then join the Crew in the 18STRONG Membership. And we’ll find it together.