Don’t have time to work out? Here’s why that’s total BS.

Subject: Don’t have time to work out? Here’s why that’s total BS.   

It’s Wednesday morning, we’re getting ready to jump in the truck and drive the 6-ish hours to southern Tennessee to play Sweetens Cove tomorrow, Sewanee Friday morning, and hoot it up in Nashville on Friday night. 

But first, I want to share with you the feedback we got from a very simple question we asked the Crew. 

Yesterday, you may have seen my email about micro-workouts (I actually had to send it twice b/c the link was jacked up on the first one).  

To take the temperature of the Crew, I asked those interested to get on the waiting list with their name, email, and then I asked this question: 

What is your biggest fitness challenge? 

And by a landslide, the winner is… 


Honestly, this is nothing we haven’t heard before, but the frequency in which we saw that answer was eye-opening. 

But lack of time is not the real issue. We all have way more time than we think, and I’ll prove it: 

168 hours in a week 

– 60 hours for work (the average is 41 hours) 

– 5 hours for commuting  

– 56 hours of sleep (8 hours per night) 

= 47 hours 

That is almost exactly two full days of waking hours each week (6+ hours each day) to spend with your family and friends, run errands, catch up on Yellowstone, and play golf. 

And you can’t find any time to take care of your fitness? 

Time is not the problem. 

The problem is that you would rather be doing something else.  

And I’m not here to sell you on exercise. We all know we need to exercise. 

I’m here to sell you on thinking about your exercise differently. 

Re-frame what exercise looks like for you. 

“Exercise” sounds like something only fit people do.  

But, “moving” is something everyone can do. 

And that’s the magic. 

If you don’t make it to the gym, don’t get in your jog, or can’t get in the bike saddle, that’s NOT the end of the world. 

The end of your world is when you don’t move your body. 

We’re killing ourselves because we don’t get up and move our bodies every single day. 

Take a walk. It’s a gateway exercise. 

It’s like the crack of the fitness world. 

Once you get a little taste of that and enjoy it, add a little spice (walking, not crack). 

Hit the gym. Hit the bike. Whatever your next step is. 

Start slow, then work up to the 45-minute session in the gym. I promise it will be enjoyable because you will become addicted to the “next” challenge. 

You got this. 

Your #1 Fan, 

Jeff Pelizzaro 

PS – If you’re at the point where you just want to get moving for 10-ish minutes a day so you start to feel better and move looser, then I would check out the Daily Motion routine in the 18STRONG App

It’s the only thing that is pre-filled on everyone’s workout calendar when you first log in. Because it’s that important. 

Commit to doing it everyday for the next seven days, and lemme know how much better you feel. 

There’s a free 7-day trial, so you’ve got nothing to lose.   

Here’s the link: