Top 6 BS fitness claim red flags

Not only is it the holiday season, but also the “exaggerated, misleading, and scientifically unfounded exercise program claims” season.  For the second year in a row, I’ve been hearing the same cringy ad on the radio for a local weight loss clinic, so I checked out their website this morning. 


3 bulletproof fitness words from Ronald Reagan

Last night, I watched the Netflix documentary, “Reagan”.  Back in the 80s when he was the POTUS, I was still pretty young with zero interest in politics, so I was curious learn more about him.  I’ll let you judge the movie for yourself, but one scene really struck a chord


Vitamin D – our bulletproof vest against sickness

You know how when you recently learned something, you start to see it everywhere?  It’s called the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon or Frequency Illusion (yes, I absolutely had to Google it).   And it started happening to me last year with Vitamin D.  I started to go down the rabbit hole and never


Top 5 benefits of hydrated golf

Yesterday, I went off on a little diatribe about the importance of staying hydrated when you’re feeling under the weather during these winter months.  Which again, I cannot recommend more – sleep it off, and stay hydrated.  That’s always been my recipe.  As I often do, I went down a


A new reason to stay hydrated during cold season

The past week, I’ve been a little under the weather as we often do this time of year.  So, you haven’t heard from me as much as usual.  I feel great today, but had a sinus infection that was sapping a ton of energy, and usually dehydrates me to the


[How To] Easiest way to injure yourself

Completely off-topic, last night I watched the making of Caddyshack again (Caddyshack: The Inside Story) and it never disappoints.  If you haven’t yet, give it a shot.   So if you’ve been following us for any time, we talked about how it’s not a great idea to work out like a