John Thorp, from BodiTrak Sports joins us in this episode to discuss a topic in golf and other sports that has been talked about, but not often studied, which is the relationship that an athlete has with the ground. Ground mechanics are often noted as a huge part of the golf swing, but until now, it has not been easy to actually measure these forces without a complete research lab.
With their newest technology, Boditrak has changed the game as it relates to the golf swing. In this episode, we will not only discuss why looking at the feet and pressures on the ground are so important, but also how their technology has been able to take this to the driving range, the course, and just about anywhere. And golf is just the beginning. . .
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John Thorp’s Background
- Grew up in Canada
- Played hockey, not golf growing up.
- President of BodiTrak Sports
CaddyShack or Happy Gilmore?
Happy Gilmore. It was his favorite movie growing up. Plus he’s a Canadian, so anything to do with hockey is basically a given.
One of the most influential People, Books, or Experiences in your life:
Terry Hashimoto
Highlights from this Episode
- John and I discuss the relationship between an athlete and the ground and why it’s so important to understand.
- John tells us the story behind BodiTrak Sports, where it all started and some of the plans for the future.
- We discuss the implications of being able to use this technology on the range, on the course, in the gym, etc.
- John has been very involved in the Level One TPI seminars over the past several months, which has allowed both BodiTrak and TPI to analyze and discover connections between the Big 12 swing characteristics and what is going on in the feet of the golfer.
- Some of the main takeaways that you may want to note in your own swing are your balance positions at setup and the loading of weight into the trail foot during and at the top of the backswing.
- John talks about how looking at the foot mechanics can be very beneficial for the mid to high handicap golfer simply by creating a true awareness and feedback on what their feet are doing in general.
- As for the tour players, coaches are using this as a feedback tool for things as specific as snapshots of what each club and even types of shots should look like. They are then able to compare with the foot trace when a poor shot is hit.
- John and I also discuss the fact that golf is just a small area that this technology will ultimately be effective. Many more applications in other sports and even in the sports medicine world are likely in the forefront.
- BodiTrak and Footjoy have also teamed up to look at which shoes work best for certain players. In fact, they even noticed as much as a 3mph difference in clubhead speed simply by fitting a player with the proper shoes!
- John tells us the story behind BodiTrak setting up an office here in St. Louis, MO and what brought them here, including the guys at Stadia Ventures
Who would you like to spend a day on the course with?
Doug Gilmour was (and I think still is) John’s childhood idol. In fact, in recent years he and his buddies had a rec hockey team that they named “The Dougies!”
Here is a link to the letter Doug Gilmour wrote to “[His] Younger Self”
What are you excited about in your near future?
All the possibilities ahead with BodiTrak Sports. And their new ventures into St. Louis
Where to Find John Thorp:
Facebook: BodiTrak Sports
Twitter: @BodiTrakSports
Other Links Mentioned
The 18STRONG Flexibility Guide
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