Today I am very excited to announce our guest, Scott Shepard. Scott is the founder of Driven Golf Performance and Plane Performance Fitness-Wellness. Both companies are dedicated to Health and Performance Improvement through Customized Fitness and Rehabilitation Programs.
There is a very big discussion going on in the world of golf and fitness these days about whether golfers should be lifting and training the way that guys like Rory and Jason Day are. But amongst those in the “golf fitness” world, there is also a debate on whether that training should or shouldn’t be “golfish” in nature. (Golfish = Looking like a golf movement).
While many of the previous guests on the show lean much more to the “anti-golfish” camp, Scott brings a new perspective on the matter and shares his reasoning for including a little “golfishness” in his routines.
Scott Shepard’s Background
- Scott is a Licensed Physical Therapist and Strength & Conditioning Coach with over 12 years of experience.
- Scott has a Masters’ Degree in Physical Therapy from the University of Central Florida.
- He has also obtained advanced credentials such as becoming a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist through the National Strength and Conditioning Association and a Titleist Certified Golf Fitness Specialist.
- Scott is also a recognized leader in the field of sports injury management and his services have been sought out by many professional athletes from multiple sports.
- Scott is the health and fitness consultant for the Mike Bender Golf Academies. He is also the personal fitness and rehabilitation provider for several professional and top level amateur-collegiate athletes in the Central Florida area.
- He has been a featured speaker on Rehabilitation and Golf Performance Training several times including the Titleist World Golf Fitness Summit 2011, APTA Sports Physical Therapy Team Conference 2009, Florida Physical Therapy Annual Conference, and the PGA Show 2014.
Highlights from this Episode
- How Scott overcame the resistance of starting a golf fitness program. At first, a lot of golf pros disagreed with Scott’s training methods. Now, that same methodology is commonplace in the sport.
- How Scott made the transition from being more of a rehab and injury prevention trainer to an optimal performance and fitness/strength trainer.
- The meaning and origin of the term “golfish”. Scott and I have our own thoughts on how this applies to fitness training and golf, and when it is appropriate to incorporate into your training.
- Isolated golf fitness vs integrated golf fitness.
- Scott explains what he calls “positional mobility” and why it’s important to be strong and mobile in “game-like” positions.
- The difference between training pros and training everyday golfers. Scott gets into the main differences between the two, and how he would approach training each. Pros tend to have high levels of integration, and great swings, but often times have been training with patterns that are terrible for their body. This tends to differ from the everyday golfer who isn’t focusing as much on golf specific movements.
Caddy Shack or Happy Gilmore?
Caddy Shack
What would be your “walk-up song?”
LL Cool J – Momma Said Knock You Out
Who would you like to spend a day on the course with, and where?
My wife at Augusta
Parting advice?
Don’t be afraid to be ‘golfish’, and don’t be too “isolational” (working only on strength, mobility etc. with your training).
Where to find Scott Shepard:
Instagram: @planeperform
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