If you’ve been having a hard time finding good exercises specific to rotation for your golf swing, then this is exactly what you’re looking for!
Category: Videos
WHAT? WHY? HOW? Swiss Ball For Golfers
Today, we’re going to talk about how golfers can take advantage of the Swiss Ball/Exercise Ball/Yoga Ball or whatever you call it. If you’ve ever seen this piece of equipment and always wondered how to best use it, then wonder no more.
Pre-Round Priming
In a perfect world, we’d all get to the course a few hours early like Tiger Woods and have our team get us warmed-up and ready to play on the #1 tee box. However, we all know the reality of our schedules and sometimes screeching our tires in the parking...
191: Golf Untucked: The Social Side of the Game | Evan Kamer from Skratch
[smart_track_player url="http://traffic.libsyn.com/18strong/191_191__Golf_Untucked__The_Social_Side_of_the_Game___Evan_Kamer_from_Skratch.mp3" title="191: Golf Untucked: The Social Side of the Game" artist="18STRONG: Evan Kamer | Skratch" background="default" social_linkedin="true" social_pinterest="true" social_email="true" ] Here at 18Strong, we are all about breaking down the body mechanics and physical aspects of golf to the perfect the swing, but sometimes it’s important to put down...